Something that caught my attention during my travels
in Clarksdale was this solitary sign. Delta Square, or Delta Sunflower,
it looked like a relic from a failed attempt to signify something
within Clarksdale many years ago (actually, I'll guess three decades
ago). (Photo taken in June, 2005)
When you're left with lemons, make lemonade. This empty
spot (I don't know what building or business stood here before),
has been remade into a small park. Photo taken in May, 2003
You can maybe call this the Blues Depot, part II. Located
to the east of Issaquena Ave, along the same Illinois Central
tracks, this other former rail station has been refurbished to
hold stores and restaurants. I have yet to visit of the business
here, unfortunately. (Photo taken in May, 2003)
someone is using this building in an attempt to cash
in on Clarksdale's Blues heritage, with a instrument
store and recording studio (Photo taken in May, 2003)
Speaking of cashing in on an image. If you go out to
the southeast side of town, you'll find the majority of the retail
ventures in Clarksdale on MS 161 (old US 61). Among them is this
strip mall calling itself Blues City Plaza. Eh, It's the thought
that counts I suppose. (Photo taken in January, 2005)
This is the Delta Blues Room. Kitchen, occasional DJ,
occasional live music. # (Photo taken in
June, 2005)
Krosstown Blues (Sarah's) Kitchen. Soul food and urban
juke joint. (Photo taken in June, 2005)
since this photo was taken, Sarah's Kitchen has moved 4 blocks
south to 278 Sunflower Ave. (According to the Clarksdale Press
This beached steamboat was once home to Jim O'Neal's
(Co-founder of Living Blues
Magazine) Stackhouse/Rooster Records.#*
It's last use was that of a teahouse. (Photo
taken in June, 2005)
Tall building. Home to the Thompson Performing Art
Center? (Photo taken in June, 2005)
Wade Walton, barber and musician, used to work at this
location before he passed away. Now it's used as a juke joint
(note the name over the door on the right)
taken in June, 2005)
The Delta Eye, owned by a lady from Florida (thus the
bright colors and design). (Photo from June, 2005) Evidently on
Sabbatical here in 2006.

Left Photo: The old neon and metal sign for
the Haggard Drug Store is what caught my attention here (3rd &
Right Photo: I suspect the
glass for the Coahoma Bank sign has been replaced and refinished
and it gives the building some more class due to that as well.
(Both photos from January, 2005)
Then there's this, which looks like it has been forgotten
about since 1976. There is a riverwalk park, along the Sunflower
River nearby, just not here.
(Photo taken in June,
# - Source is Roger Stolle/
* - Source is
Robert Birdsong & John Ruskey (The Path Finder map)
$ - Source is Steve Cheseborough's Blues
Delta Regional Authority
Related pages on this site
Clarksdale blues sites
Clarksdale - New World District
Page created on January 14, 2004/ last revised on February
23, 2007
Questions, comments, and submissions can be sent to Sandor
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