North Platte (after a rainstorm)
Rick - It rained that day and I saw my first tornado
off in the distance.
Fort Cody (on the westside of North Platte)
Fort Bridges (on the western outskirts of North Platte)
Between Green River and Little America.....I think
Little America. Post Office, truck stop, and resort
(which I admit is really stretching the defitition)

These two photo above are near the Utah/Wyoming border
(maybe just inside the eastern border of Utah) going westbound.
Devil's Slide

Devil's slide is NW of Salt Lake City (and near present
day I-84 exit 111) and the 1913 routing of the Lincoln Highway
between Echo and Ogden.
This train tressle went over the Weber River near Devils
Wendover Bill at the Stateline Casino in Wendover UT

The Nugget Casino is still in operation at Sparks
Page created on January 30, 2005
Photos provided by Rick Tittle, text by Rick Tittle and
Sandor Gulyas
Questions and comments can sent to Rick
Tittle and Sandor Gulyas
Return to The Lincoln Highway in
1960 page.